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10 Ways for effective communication in virtual meetings during COVID-19 Pandemic

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Virtual meetings have become a common scenario during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a lot of work from home options available that make virtual meetings possible. However, since virtual meetings are new for many, it is of paramount importance to ensure that there is effective communication. In this eight-minute video find out the ways for effective communication in virtual meetings.

What is there in this video?

This video lists out ten ways to have effective communication in a virtual meeting, either through the audio or video calls.

I hope this would have given you a fair idea about the ways to communicate in your virtual meetings. If you are already having an effective virtual meeting, please do share your experiences in the comment section. If not, practise these ten steps in your virtual meetings and share your experiences in the comment section. If you found this blog post useful, share it with other entrepreneurs and business owners who may find it useful. 

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