Brand Vision, Mission and Core Values – What, Why and How

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Vision, Mission and Core Values gives you a guideline to set your brand’s objectives and goals. It also helps you want your employees to have a sense of belonging. It ensures that you tell your customers effectively what you are actually doing. Check out this eight-minute video understand what vision, mission and core values are and how to frame them.

What is there in this video?

  1. What is Brand Vision?
  2. What is Brand Mission?
  3. What is Core Values?
  4. What are the benefits of framing Brand Vision, Mission and Core Values?
  5. How to frame Brand Vision, Mission and Core Values?

I hope this would have given you a fair idea about brand vision, mission and core values and the importance of framing vision, mission and core values for your brand. If you already have framed a brand vision, mission and core values for your startup or business, share your experiences in the comment section. If not, make an effort to frame a brand vision, mission and core values for your startup or business and share your experiences in the comment section. If you found this blog post useful, share it with other entrepreneurs and business owners who may find it useful. 

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