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Change your Product Features to Benefits for your Target Audience

Reading Time: < 1 minute

In spite of having several phenomenal features, some products fail drastically in the market. One of the reasons is not ensuring that the product is meeting the needs and wants of the target audience, besides solving their pain points. Watch this 3-minute video to know how to convert your product features to benefits expected by your target audience.

What is there in this video?

This video has four steps to convert your product features to benefits that your target audience really enjoy.

I hope this would have given you a fair idea about how to convert the features of your products that your target audience really enjoy. If you already have identified the benfits for your target audience from your product features, share your experiences in the comment section. If not, make an effort to convert your product features to benefits that the target audience of your startup or business really enjoy and share your experiences in the comment section. If you found this blog post useful, share it with other entrepreneurs and business owners who may find it useful.

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