Site icon Boniface Pascalraj

How to make your target audience to clearly remember your brand, for one thing, it is really good at?

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Positioning is the act of framing your brand’s offering and image to occupy a special place in the minds of your target audience. In other words, positioning is helping your target audience to have the right perception about your brand. In this two minute check out the simple formula to frame your brand’s positioning.

What is there in this video?

  1. Aim of positioning
  2. Positioning Examples
  3. Simple formula to frame positioning
  4. How to get the positioning statement right?
  5. How to successfully frame the positioning statement?

I hope this would have given you a fair idea about brand positioning and the importance of framing a positioning statement for your brand. If you already have framed a positioning statement for your startup or business, share your experiences in the comment section. If not, make an effort to frame positioning for your startup or business and share your experiences in the comment section. If you found this blog post useful, share it with other entrepreneurs and business owners who may find it useful. 

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